Venezia-Brescia: post match

April 14, 2024

At the end of Venezia-Brescia, Day 33 of the Serie BKT 2023/24 championship, which finished with the result of 2-0, Venezia coach Paolo Vanoli and Tanner Tessmann analyzed the match as follows.

Paolo Vanoli
"Today we put in a quality performance, I thank the crowd who dragged us and created a great atmosphere that I hope can be repeated from here to the end in every game. It was a difficult match, Brescia is well organized and was coming from an important period. I told the boys that in the end work pays off, those who want to go over the hurdle must be strong mentally. We came into this period with everyone available and this is thanks to everyone's work. Good to see a team with this spirit when we are playing for something important. We had so many chances today, this is soccer sometimes you can't score and you risk the opponents punishing you. We are a team with certain characteristics, we are not able to put the game to sleep but we always want to search for the goal with patience. It is essential in soccer to prepare everything to the best, today we scored two goals on set pieces for example. There are five games left, we just have to be balanced. We have done great things so far, we have our dream in hand and we are thinking about fighting to chase it. As I said in the first half of the year, we have to play game by game, and now we are figuring out how to fight for the top positions. The president said a good thing to the team yesterday, sometimes hard work doesn't lead you to success but it prepares you for success.“

Tanner Tessmann
"Very happy for the double and for contributing to the team, the most important thing was the three points though. We have to focus only on the next games, on ourselves and our performance. We believe in our qualities, this win certainly gives us an extra boost but we want to work hard as we have always done ahead of the next five matches. We didn't get down after the missed chances, we kept playing our game and in the end the second goal came."