Alice Mattiello: “At Venezia FC, we have unparalleled support”

May 10, 2023

A native of Murano Island, the remarkably young Alice Mattielo recently made her debut in the Venezia FC Femminile first team, after wearing the orange and green colors in the juniores. The midfielder, class of 2004, describes her path in the world of professional football, among obstacles and achievements.

"My passion for this sport sparked as a child, I started playing with my male friends at a very young age, but around the age of 10 embarrassment and a bit of loneliness prevailed, since I was the only girl: I switched to karate for two years. In seventh grade, having overcome my initial doubts and knowing how strong my love for soccer was, I started playing again, immediately at Venezia Calcio, with whom I stayed for the next four years. After a stint at Cittadella, I returned here to Venice with the juniores, then moved to the first team from October 2022.

Having grown up football-wise in the ranks of Venezia, I can see how much the club has grown over time, and how much the team and the entire Italian women's scene has taken a quantum leap. With the new ownership, Venezia FC Femminile has become a reality with extraordinary support and resources from the club. I am the youngest in the locker room, which has its merits and flaws, and being cared for as we are is also very important to get the emotional and psychological support that is too often neglected in competitive sports. Now we are approaching the Coppa Italia final, and a good part of our preparation will have to be mental.

As a player, I consider myself to be very technical, fast and with good game vision. On the pitch I always try to give my best, especially because I wear the jersey of my city: it is a priceless feeling, which really cannot be explained, and which always fills me with pride. I hope to do my best to honor these colors.”